We specialise in:
- Innovative design solutions in education, technology and community development
- Sustainable Communities – multi residential and master planned estates, mixed use, cohousing and ecovillages.
- Building design:
- Education – universities and childcare centres
- Commercial – office buildings
- Hospitality – hotels & resorts
- Residential – single dwellings
Ecologically Sustainable Design (ESD)
- Ecomplish works with architects and developers to design industry-leading “smart” buildings and communities. For example, providing innovative sustainability features to improve internal comfort, generate power onsite or maximise occupant well-being.Ecomplish was appointed as the lead ESD consultant by Hassell Studio for the new $80M Science Facility for James Cook University in Townsville and by Wilson Architects for the new $90M Education Precinct Building (Brisbane). It is currently providing the sustainability services with dsquared for JCU’s and KIRK Studio’s new $98M Technology Information Centre.Other examples of ESD roles include Director Ben O’Callaghan:
o writing sustainable design codes for new and operational, organisations and communities
- o undertaking the Gold Coast Hilton ESD Audit.
- o providing sustainble deisgn advice for multiple residential projects
- o providing Green Star Communities expert advice and submissions using Assessor experiences from over 10 masterplanned projects.
- o developing the award-winning HIA CSR Energy Efficient House 2009 called “Yagoi100” with Architect Degenhart Shed.o working on the Energex Headquarters ($119M) for FKP (Brisbane) with Cox Rayner Architects.
o providing ESD services for Helensvale Library (Gold Coast) ($21M), and coordinating 20 other ESD engagements for Cundall.
o completing CDOP4 for AMP Capital ($100M) Milton, Brisbane.
Ecomplish also offers NatHERS, Energy Modelling and NCC Section J modelling services using its partners.
Sustainable Communities
Ecomplish is well positioned to provide Australian-industry leading advice on the planning and implementation of progressive communities, and how to get the most out of a conventional residential subdivision, through the use of first-principle design, technology, community facilities, modelling and community engagement. Ecomplish has also developed a livability index and innovative long-term rental Smart Communities Model with Smart Urban Villages.Ecomplish Director Ben O’Callaghan has 15 years of experience in designing sustainable communities. Specifically Ben is experienced in helping to design, implement and operate a large sustainable community over 12 years, namely The Ecovillage in Currumbin: . This estate is the most awarded sustainable estate in Australia with over 32 awards including “The World’s Best Environmental Development” (FIABCI Prix D’Excellence Award).As a Cohousing Association member/convenor over three years (2003-2005), Ben developed concept plans for a community-led project, extending his hands-on experience.Ben O’Callaghan was the third person in Australia to become a Green Star Accredited Professional (GSAP) for ‘Communities’ and Design/As-Built. He is regularly employed as an independent Certified Assessor for the Green Building Council of Australia to assess projects Australia-wide. EnviroDevelopment Professional and HIA GreenSmart accreditations are also held. Through Ecomplish, Ben offers a unique combination of academic and practical building design experience, and as part of the Green Building Council of Australia’s Placemaking Expert Panel, he develops Australian targets for sustainable urban design.
Ecomplish used to provide guided tours of leading sustainable developments in southeast Queensland. We have run tours for over 5,000 people through the Ecovillage at Currumbin since 2007, including an award winning residential dwelling, facilities and infrastructure.