Ecomplish is proud to launch the short documentary film (below) we have just finished shooting and producing about the sustainable building called “The Science Place”. This James Cook University $80M centre has been certified LEED Gold.
LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and is the world’s most recognised Green Building certification system, with only the most sustainable buildings achieving a Gold rating. Ecomplish and leading Australian Ecologically Sustainable Design (ESD) experts dsquared were employed as the sustainable design consultants for the building from 2013 to 2016. Ecomplish was also asked to produce the documentary.
“We took footage of the design and construction process over several years to record is challenges and industry innovations” said Ben O’Callaghan, Director of Ecomplish Sustainability.
“The Green Building Industry is getting better at promoting smart sustainable buildings and this exemplar is a credit to James Cook University and all those involved in its design and construction” said Ben.
The 6-minute video describes the sustainable design features of the building and examples of the university’s leading-edge research embedded in it.
“Both the students and researchers say they love it,” said Ben.
dsquared completed the LEED submission for JCU with the assistance of Ecomplish, the internationally awarded architects Hassell and leading construction company Lend Lease.
The film was Selected for showing at the Great Lakes International Film Festival in October 2019.
For more information about sustainable buildings and how to design or promote them, feel free to ask Ecomplish.
Want to study in a space like this? You can at JCU: